Protection Through Awareness
Many same sex couples just like you have recently adopted or are in the process of adopting babies, maybe you already have children of your own. Either way, like all parents, you love your children and would do anything to protect them. There is no doubt that may share my anger, outrage and disgust when you listen to the details of the current case in the United States involving a two year old being locked in a hot car and left to die. Even more disgusting is the alleged planning, including the purchasing insurance on the life of the child, that went into this horrific and horrendous crime.
Children are a gift, and putting and our natural unconditional and instinctual love aside just for a moment, we have as parents a moral and legal obligation to protect them. If you think about it, many parents may be unknowingly and unwittingly sending text messages, Facebook updates, and emails to other people while their children are alone in a sweltering hot car. Failing to plan for the future and the unexpected while you are busy trying to make a living, can result in your children suffering the same fate as that innocent two year old.
In Canada, one in 68 children are affected by autism, at least two children per week were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis in 2011, and each year approximately 1500 children are diagnosed with cancer (Sources:, and These numbers are staggering and we are blessed to have a top class health care system in Canada.
The emotional trauma of learning that your child is sick is one thing, the financial turmoil that can ensue is another. For instance OHIP doesn’t cover everything, and while I fully support fund raising efforts to help families that are in need, I also believe that all parents should be proactive and put plans in place just in case. This can be especially important for same sex couples who are in the process, or have recently adopted a child, and may be unaware of prior family history that may make their child prone to certain conditions.
Taking out a critical illness policy for your child should be high on your “to do” list, because not only will you receive a tax-free lump sum in the event anything happens, but you will get your premiums refunded if nothing happens. This then makes it a forced savings plan to supplement what you are already saving in an RESP to fund their post secondary education.
The next time you are sitting at your favourite coffee shop texting or emailing and sipping a latte, remember that the annual cost of that latte can protect two of your children with critical illness protection, so that you have a piece of mind knowing your loved ones will be protected.
Are you ready to deflate the elephant in the room? You are now armed with knowledge, transform it into power by contacting me to put a plan in place to protect the ones you love.
About the Author
Karl Marshall is President of (a division of Marmac Financial Services Limited) and specializes in serving the insurance and financial needs of the LGBT Community. On Saturday nights he hosts The Party Mix on G98.7 FM in Toronto. You may reach him at 416-554-0892,, @insurance4lgbt on Twitter or on Facebook.