Nature’s Sunshine changed the world as the first company to put herbs into easy-to-take capsules. For almost 50 years they’ve brought the healing power of herbs to millions of people across North America, and now with over 200+ products they have something for everyone. With the fall and winter holiday season upon us, now’s the time to keep your body in check for all those hearty meals ahead!

Digestive Enzymes

This effective blend helps break down meals to get you back in business, by supporting the healthy digestive process of proteins, fats and carbs, and helping to relieve occasional indigestion.

How it works

Digestive enzymes are secreted along the gastrointestinal tract and break down foods, enabling the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream for use in various bodily functions. Enzymes are extremely sensitive to heat and are easily destroyed by cooking in temperatures above 47C (117F). Age and various digestive system problems can reduce the production of digestive enzymes and impair the digestive system’s ability to adequately digest food.

The Story Behind Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes break down food into smaller compounds that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. This formula includes pepsin, which is used for pre-digesting proteins in the stomach. Betaine HCl helps create an acidic environment to facilitate the activity of pepsin. The enzymes bromelain and papain aid in the digestion of proteins. After food reaches the small intestine, pancreatin, which also supports the pancreas, further digests protein, carbohydrates and fats. Alpha amylase digests starches. Bile salts make fats soluble, preparing them for further digestion by lipase.

UltraBiome DTX (30 sticks)

UltraBiomeDTX provides unparalleled support for heavy metal detoxification, healthy intestinal lining integrity, full-body cleansing and regular elimination.

  • Prebiotic. Helps stimulate the growth of health bacteria (such as bifidobacteria) in the intestine/gut.
  • Used in Herbal Medicine to provide gentle relief of constipation and/or irregularity.
  • Source of antioxidant to help protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

How it works

UltraBiome DTX improves critical gut and intestinal function and primes detoxification pathways to help the body target and eliminate toxins. It also fuels the growth of healthy bacteria, supporting microbiome balance and healthy intestinal permeability, by strengthening and tightening the gut’s cellular wall. Additionally, a proprietary phytonutrient blend adds superior free-radical protection to reduce oxidative damage to the gut. UltraBiome DTX provides unparalleled support for heavy metal detoxification, healthy intestinal lining integrity, full-body cleansing and regular elimination.

The Story Behind UltraBiome DTX 

Patent-pending UltraBiome DTX offers a safe, natural way to help your body detox. Psyllium has over 5,000 years of historical use as part of Ayurvedic traditions. In India, it is used as a natural, cooling and gentle colon cleanser to support healthy elimination. Beta vulgaris, or beetroot, is an edible taproot that originated in the Middle East. Red beet root is a rich source of nutrients, antioxidants and nitrates that support cardiovascular health, liver function, and nitric oxide levels. Ancient Egyptians cultivated chicory, a blue-flowered perennial, and the French have roasted, ground and mixed it with coffee since the 19th century. Traditionally used as a tea to support the liver, chicory root supports the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. Sodium copper chlorophyllin is a water-soluble salt that has been used orally as an internal deodorant for over 50 years. A powerful antioxidant, it also supports the body’s natural detox pathways. Our proprietary phytonutrient blend adds superior free-radical protection to reduce oxidative damage to the gut.


Many individuals consume below-adequate levels of this dietary fibre. Enriched with vegetables and fruit ingredients, LOCLO is the perfect way to add dietary fibre into your daily regimen.

  • Supplies healthy dietary fibre
  • Improved digestion and dietary support

How it works

LOCLO provides a high level of fibre of both soluble fibre and insoluble fibre in a naturally-flavoured base of vegetable and herb powders. A daily serving of LOCLO help supplement the diet with a high serving of dietary fibre.Modern health problems are in part due to the decline in the amount of fibre we eat. There are two types of fibre:soluble and insoluble. Both types of fibre are essential to a healthy diet. Soluble fibre helps absorb fats particles and waste material in the intestines; while insoluble fibre provides the indigestible bulk to form stools and help remove intestinal waste and keep one regular.

Order these and other products direct from Nature’s Sunshine, or through your local health and wellness retail shops.

All Nature’s Sunshine products are sourced using earth’s most pure and potent ingredients, with more than 600 tests to ensure each one of their herbal formulas is ready to do exactly what it’s supposed to do. That means Non-GM0, organic and regenerative whenever possible, and rejecting anything that doesn’t meet the exacting, industry-leading standards. The company worked tirelessly to build one of the most powerful networks of herbalists, nutritionists, naturopaths, natural healers, scientists, and researchers in the world. 


About the Author

Bryen Dunn is a freelance journalist based in Toronto with a focus on tourism, lifestyle, entertainment and community issues. He has written several travel articles and has an extensive portfolio of celebrity interviews with musicians, actors and other public personalities. He’s willing to take on any assignments of interest, attend parties with free booze, listen to rants, and travel the world in search of the great unknown. He’s eager to discover the new, remember the past, and look into the future.