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Book Review: “Forward” by Lisa Maas

posted Tuesday, April 17, 2018

by: in Parenting

No two losses are ever the same, just as no two experiences of loss are either. Even so, similar is close enough. As a single mom coming off two weeks of pneumonia for The Ginger Gent (my seven-year-old son) and I, we were behind the eight ball of life and that was before batshit crazy […]

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Singing Out! For My Son

posted Monday, December 1, 2014

by: in Parenting

My grief goes everywhere with me because it is me. No one can move forward without releasing it in the day-to-day activities, moving through the practicalities of life because if we didn’t we wouldn’t move at all. The one place it has suddenly jumped up to speak its presence is in choir. There are a number of […]

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