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Is it time for a revolution?

posted Sunday, March 21, 2021

by: in The Online Politician

You must be confused, or angry, or just plain tired of politics. I know I am. I am tired of mixed messaging, profit before people, the rich get richer, and especially those big corporations who do not pay their fair of taxes like you and I. It is time we had a heart-to-heart about politics […]

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Alberta Becomes A Leader In Gender And Queer Representation

posted Tuesday, June 16, 2015

by: in Feminism

Recently, history was made as the Conservative Capital of Canada became the Progressive Paramount of Harper’s regime. Rachel Notley, NDP Leader and NDP Royalty  made global headlines by wiping out the Progressive Conservative’s 44 year reign in the Wild Rose Province by becoming Premier. Along with her win, PC MLA’s were evicted in quick succession, making room […]

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