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Downtown Toronto Physiotherapy and Pilates, Pilates4Physio

Sacroiliac Joint Pain or Lower Back Pain?

posted Wednesday, September 7, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

Sacroiliac joint pain is a common condition that can feel like lower back pain, but the source and cause are quite different. It also requires a specific assessment of the pelvis and the many muscles acting on it. In this blog I explain the distinguishing characteristics of sacroiliac joint pain compared to lower back pain. […]

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Early Treatment Of Musculo-Skeletal Pain

posted Saturday, April 9, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

So we have all done it. We feel a pain in a muscle or a joint and we hope it goes away, but then it doesn’t. It keeps coming back and gets worse. It might be a pain or discomfort in the background that doesn’t bother us much but then it can amplify when we are […]

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Pilates and Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

posted Thursday, January 14, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

One of the most common over-use injuries to the knee is patellofemoral pain. It can also be aggravated by walking, stair climbing or even just in sitting for a long time. Typically patients report pain around the knee cap or under it. It is one of the most common lower extremity injuries and is prevalent […]

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The Core Neck

posted Wednesday, March 4, 2015

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

The Core Neck: Did you know that you have core muscles in your neck and upper back? All of the joints in our body have core stabilizing muscles. The research shows us that muscles around our joints perform different functions. Some are involved in creating movement, like rotating your neck, while others have a stabilizing […]

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Runnning injuries

posted Sunday, November 16, 2014

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

So for all the runners out there, I thought I would summarize what I have learned from treating people with running injuries, and using the latest research. When most people have a running injury they tend to address what they can control themselves, either their shoes or orthotics. New Balance seems to have good advice […]

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Monitoring Lower Back Pain

posted Tuesday, October 7, 2014

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

Even the most diligent Physiotherapists can get lower back pain. We are constantly bending down or leaning over bodies all day. I had suffered a nasty bout of lower back pain after bending forward and lifting. I had a slight weakness there before but I had neglected it and hadn’t been keeping up with my […]

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Physiotherapy and Pilates Find Common Ground

posted Wednesday, July 23, 2014

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

PHYSIO-PILATES In this blog I would like to talk about the ideal fusion of physiotherapy, rehabilitation and Pilates, using the classic equipment. Pilates was originally developed by Joseph Pilates while he was working with injured World War II soldiers in Germany. Joseph determined that attaching springs on the end of the bed helped soldiers to […]

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