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How Much Cardio Should You Do For Good Health?

posted Wednesday, December 14, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

So as we get close to that time of year when we make New Year resolutions, I thought I would give some advice on one of the most popular ones. Exercise is one of those resolutions that many people want to start with, but there are some barriers in terms of knowing what to do. […]

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Shoulder Injuries, Toronto Physiotherapy and Pilates, Pilates4Physio

Shoulder Injuries: What Are They And What To Do About Them.

posted Tuesday, November 8, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

You don’t have to be involved with sports to suffer a shoulder injury. I’ve recently been treating someone who developed a rotator cuff injury from just siting at a computer all day! In this blog I am going to talk about how shoulder injuries can be simplified into three broad categories. I will also discuss […]

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Downtown Toronto Physiotherapy and Pilates, Pilates4Physio

Sacroiliac Joint Pain or Lower Back Pain?

posted Wednesday, September 7, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

Sacroiliac joint pain is a common condition that can feel like lower back pain, but the source and cause are quite different. It also requires a specific assessment of the pelvis and the many muscles acting on it. In this blog I explain the distinguishing characteristics of sacroiliac joint pain compared to lower back pain. […]

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Early Treatment Of Musculo-Skeletal Pain

posted Saturday, April 9, 2016

by: in Fitness Solutions Plus

So we have all done it. We feel a pain in a muscle or a joint and we hope it goes away, but then it doesn’t. It keeps coming back and gets worse. It might be a pain or discomfort in the background that doesn’t bother us much but then it can amplify when we are […]

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