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Q and A With Eva Dusome: Consensual Non-Monogamy, Polyamory and Poly Toronto

posted Friday, June 23, 2017

by: in Spirituality

There are many variations and different ways to do relationships, as we’ve alluded to in previous posts. We had the opportunity to sit down with Poly Toronto leader, Eva Dusome. This two-part Q&A series will take an in-depth look at what consensual non-monogamy means and doesn’t mean while learning more about the nuances of relationships […]

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Reconsidering The Purpose of Monogamy

posted Monday, June 12, 2017

by: in Spirituality

Disclaimer: Although I am monogamous, I’m an ally to consensual non-monogamous folks. I had to go through something of a journey to understand that about myself, and I’m bringing those experiences here. If there’s anything more profound that we can do “from the heart” other than to recognize and respect the way that others live and […]

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