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Five Ways to Take Your Power Back

posted Sunday, November 15, 2015

by: in Spirituality

Last week I talked a little bit about power and how we give it away, but the question remains as to what can we do to keep power? How do we feel empowered and stand in our strength? I’m a fan of simplicity and a few actions that cover many bases, which is why I […]

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10 Ways We Give Away Our Power

posted Saturday, October 24, 2015

by: in Spirituality

Power is a funny thing, because the times where we feel like we have the least amounts of it are the moments where we arguably have the most of it. We simply need to understand how to best use that power and awaken the will within ourselves to move the mountains we are here to […]

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Make The World a Better Place

posted Sunday, May 24, 2015

by: in Spirituality

There are more reasons than ever before to want to give to organizations that support equality and the LGBTQ community, which bodes well for those wearing their hearts on their sleeve, with the freedom and good fortune to be able to donate time and money. It can be such a beautiful way to express the […]

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How to Date Like The Universe is On Your Side

posted Monday, April 13, 2015

by: in Spirituality

The GO bus was bringing me back home in the early first few hours of a Friday morning, city lights filling my line of vision with a noise matched only by the beautiful noise tearing through my mind about the night that just unfolded. It was that moment, with the motor rumbling behind me, as […]

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The Importance of Being Earnest…when you travel

posted Wednesday, October 8, 2014

by: in Travel

Oscar Wilde Tours is launching  its inaugural tour, “Oscar Wilde’s Dublin, London and Paris.” The tour was designed to connect gay travellers with their own heritage. “We’re providing gay travellers with the opportunity to learn about same-sex love throughout the ages, in different times and cultures,” says Professor Andrew Lear, founder of the Boston-based tour […]

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