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Hey Ontario, What’s Going On?

posted Saturday, April 17, 2021

by: in The Online Politician

Hello Pigeon: I must admit while I sit at home in Toronto, my mind is a blur of thoughts and frustration. As you know, after many delayed moments, Premier Doug Ford came out with some new restrictions, claiming that he and his team have done everything possible to fight COVID-19. Really? I know, many of […]

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When ‘Acceptance’ Isn’t Enough: Alberta MP Joan Crockatt has it all wrong.

posted Friday, September 25, 2015

by: in Feminism

Unless you have been living under a rock, or you are one of those who ‘just don’t care’, election season is upon us. For most of us in the queer community, the decision is easy – anything but Harper. And for those that will vote to continue the Harper regime, I will remind you of […]

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Alberta Becomes A Leader In Gender And Queer Representation

posted Tuesday, June 16, 2015

by: in Feminism

Recently, history was made as the Conservative Capital of Canada became the Progressive Paramount of Harper’s regime. Rachel Notley, NDP Leader and NDP Royalty  made global headlines by wiping out the Progressive Conservative’s 44 year reign in the Wild Rose Province by becoming Premier. Along with her win, PC MLA’s were evicted in quick succession, making room […]

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