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Gay Marriage

The Divorce Industry Is Changing Fast – What You Need to Know

posted Tuesday, September 24, 2019

by: in Law

The nature of marriage is changing given that 41% of marriages are going to end in divorce. With time, it is becoming more socially acceptable to get divorced. Divorce is common, but still very difficult because of the court process. Going through the courts is insanely complicated. It is made even more complex by old […]

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Supreme Court of the United States recognizes same-sex marriage in landmark decision

posted Thursday, July 9, 2015

by: in Law

You likely heard about the historic ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in June 2015 striking down laws prohibiting same-sex marriage. I suspect most of you have read only the media publications on the decision, so I  thought it might be interesting to look at the written decision of the Court and […]

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Before you pack your bags

posted Thursday, November 6, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

If you are like most Canadians you probably love to travel and are planning your vacation down to the very last detail. Maybe you planned your  dream wedding in the tropics and are all excited and taken up with the wedding planner, invitations, and are probably busy  making  arrangements as you read this blog for […]

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Difficult Conversations

posted Saturday, October 25, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

Recently I sat down to dinner with two of my clients from the LGBT community and had an informal yet frank discussion about what kept them up at night. The number one issue was not money in of itself, but rather their failure, and one partner’s refusal to sit down as a couple and have […]

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