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Charity begins at home

posted Thursday, April 2, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

When I am not busy protecting families with Life & Critical Illness insurance, I host a radio show on a Toronto radio station every Saturday night, and last week I played a song that got me thinking about what I do every day and why. The punch line to the song is “You’ve got to […]

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Tax sheltering your investments using life insurance

posted Wednesday, March 11, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

If you have maxed out your RRSPs and used up all of your TFSA room, there are other options available which will allow you to continue to invest your money tax deferred. Most people think the only purpose life insurance serves is providing a tax free lump sum to their loved ones in the event […]

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The 40% includes LGBTQ

posted Wednesday, February 4, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

According to The Canadian Cancer Society a staggering 40% of all Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime. I was never good with numbers however it seems to me these days that an alarming number of Canadians are being diagnosed with one form of cancer or the other, and the disease doesn’t appear to discriminate. […]

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Financial fitness in 2015………easier than you think

posted Monday, January 26, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

It’s a new year, a time of renewal, a time when many of us make resolutions, and set fresh goals. Whether your new year’s resolution involves losing weight, paying down or paying off debt, quitting smoking, or saving for retirement, resolutions not backed by solid plans of action are merely pipe dreams. I encourage everyone […]

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Welcome To The New

posted Saturday, January 10, 2015

by: in Spirituality

I woke up with a determination to take advantage of the eight hours ahead of me. It was a coveted day off where I had no plans, no appointments and nowhere to be in particular. Such days are rare gems after a holiday season of hustle and bustle that seemed never ending. The day started […]

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Ontario’s Gay Ski Weekend at Blue Mountain Village – January 9th to 11th

posted Monday, January 5, 2015

by: in Travel

Winter in Ontario can be cold, windy, snowy…and fun!  The 2nd annual Ontario Gay Ski Weekend at Blue Mountain Ski Resort just outside of Collingwood is sure to warm up winter skeptics. The (gay) village of Blue Mountain is draped in the rainbow colours and several events are planned both on and off the slopes. […]

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Aut in Ann Arbor

posted Wednesday, December 17, 2014

by: in Travel

Keith Orr is the co-owner of \aut\ BAR and the Common Language Bookstore located within the Kerrytown Braun Court district of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Orr and his husband, co-owner Martin Contreras, were among 300 other local same-sex couples who were married in March of 2014 after a federal judge struck down the state’s ban on marriage […]

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Fort Lauderdale – Florida’s Gay Mecca

posted Thursday, November 6, 2014

by: in Travel

Fort Lauderdale has quickly become the destination in Florida for the LGBT travel market. This has come around in great part by the local Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) taking a full on directive to specifically target this market. This meant hiring one individual to fully oversee all initiatives, campaigns, and events. […]

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Difficult Conversations

posted Saturday, October 25, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

Recently I sat down to dinner with two of my clients from the LGBT community and had an informal yet frank discussion about what kept them up at night. The number one issue was not money in of itself, but rather their failure, and one partner’s refusal to sit down as a couple and have […]

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Bring Back the Wild!

posted Monday, October 13, 2014

by: in Parenting

When do you tell your kids that not all is right with the world? When do you tell them elephants are poached for their tusks, that there is a pipeline being directed through the Great Bear Rainforest, and that climate change and the destruction of habitat is real? And how do you do so while […]

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