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Book Review: “Trans Like Me”, by CN Lester

posted Wednesday, April 4, 2018

by: in Spirituality

  The publishing industry is at best challenging for LGBTQ2+ people to navigate, given the demand for stories that a heteronormative and cisnormative industry deems best suited for readers based on demand, regardless of the narratives missing and needed by the community. There’s a certain expectation that people bring to stories about members of the […]

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JM Frey’s, “The Untold Tale” – A Feminist Fable, Science Fiction Style

posted Saturday, March 5, 2016

by: in Feminism

When Pip, badly beaten and left for dead, enters Forsyth Turn’s world, all things Forsyth knows as true are no longer. This tale of both fantasy and reality synthesizes together in a narrative about an unlikely hero, and his quest to be more than a ‘secondary character’. J.M. Frey, a Canadian award-winning science fiction and […]

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