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Cy and Ruby’s Act

posted Wednesday, February 24, 2016

by: in Law

As a lawyer who helps create families through egg/sperm donation and surrogacy, I have had some clients ask me about the impact of Bill 137 – Cy and Ruby’s Act (Parental Recognition), 2015 – on their family-building. So without further ado, here is a brief overview of Cy and Ruby’s Act. This is a bill […]

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LGBTQ Individuals and couples now entitled to IVF Funding

posted Tuesday, November 3, 2015

by: in Law

It is now more affordable to make a baby… As of December 2015 the Ontario government will start to pay for one round of IVF for people with infertility, which includes people who cannot conceive naturally due to sexual orientation (i.e. “non-medical infertility”). This is great news because many same-sex couples cannot become parents due […]

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Legal Check-in for the New Year

posted Sunday, January 18, 2015

by: in Law

No matter who you are or what you do, there is a good chance there are legal matters in your life that could use some attention. Chances are you have put these tasks on the back burner for so long you forgot they existed, or perhaps you never thought of them in the first place. […]

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Do tax laws discriminate against gay male couples pursuing surrogacy?

posted Friday, November 28, 2014

by: in Law

Clients of mine who are “intended parents”, people having a child through third party assisted reproduction, often ask me about tax write-offs. After all, paying for medical expenses involved with third party assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is very expensive. For example, a gay male couple having a child through ART must pay for fertility medications, […]

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Legalities of Surrogacy

posted Thursday, September 25, 2014

by: in Law

Chances are you have read about Baby Gammy in the news. He was born to a Thai surrogate last month with Down Syndrome. His Australian genetic parents, who paid the surrogate to carry him, left him behind and brought only his healthy twin sister home. It’s unclear whether this was voluntary or coerced. There has […]

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