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gay pride

When ‘Acceptance’ Isn’t Enough: Alberta MP Joan Crockatt has it all wrong.

posted Friday, September 25, 2015

by: in Feminism

Unless you have been living under a rock, or you are one of those who ‘just don’t care’, election season is upon us. For most of us in the queer community, the decision is easy – anything but Harper. And for those that will vote to continue the Harper regime, I will remind you of […]

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Should you hire an invisible employee?

posted Thursday, August 13, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

If you run your own business, it makes sense to hire an invisible employee who is always unseen, never comes in late, never calls in sick, never adds to your statutory deductions, will never cost you a dime in severance payments, and will repay you dollar in salary they received if you decide to terminate […]

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Let’s reconnect our community

posted Sunday, April 12, 2015

by: in Feminism

Last night I volunteered for a really fabulous queer event here in Calgary. When you think of Calgary, you may not think ‘Canadian queer central’, and compared to cities like Vancouver and Toronto it isn’t. What it does have that I find many larger cities lack, is a sense of cohesiveness and camaraderie that seems […]

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Charity begins at home

posted Thursday, April 2, 2015

by: in Finance / Insurance

When I am not busy protecting families with Life & Critical Illness insurance, I host a radio show on a Toronto radio station every Saturday night, and last week I played a song that got me thinking about what I do every day and why. The punch line to the song is “You’ve got to […]

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The Dance of Community

posted Thursday, June 26, 2014

by: in Spirituality

So here I am missing Pride while I am over in the UK honouring a spiritual commitment. Once-a-year near the Summer Solstice, I venture across the sea to join in a similar community event with a project called the Sacred Fire Community (you can check them out at www.sacredfirecommunity.org). All the folks in the UK […]

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Do you need to pay yourself first?

posted Monday, June 23, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

We all know someone or know of someone who has been affected directly or indirectly by life threatening conditions including cancer. In fact statistics indicate that more and more Canadians (including children) are being diagnosed with cancer on a daily basis. Walks, rides, and runs aimed at raising money to fund cancer research are more […]

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posted Tuesday, June 17, 2014

by: in Ponderings

  Did you know that Pride is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins? According to some religious texts it is the deadliest of sins. It is represented by the peacock, an animal considered by most to be vain. I find this most intriguing. Those of us who have looked long and hard into the […]

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