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Difficult Conversations

posted Saturday, October 25, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

Recently I sat down to dinner with two of my clients from the LGBT community and had an informal yet frank discussion about what kept them up at night. The number one issue was not money in of itself, but rather their failure, and one partner’s refusal to sit down as a couple and have […]

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The Importance of Being Earnest…when you travel

posted Wednesday, October 8, 2014

by: in Travel

Oscar Wilde Tours is launching  its inaugural tour, “Oscar Wilde’s Dublin, London and Paris.” The tour was designed to connect gay travellers with their own heritage. “We’re providing gay travellers with the opportunity to learn about same-sex love throughout the ages, in different times and cultures,” says Professor Andrew Lear, founder of the Boston-based tour […]

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Critical Illness Insurance – Didn’t See That Coming

posted Tuesday, October 7, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

David Letterman has a funny segment in his show titled “Didn’t see that coming”, and usually the joke is about something that was bound to happen based on an individual’s prior actions. One of the things I speak to all of my clients about is critical illness insurance, because the majority of the people you […]

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Protection Through Awareness

posted Sunday, September 7, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

Many same sex couples just like you have recently adopted or are in the process of adopting babies,  maybe you already have children of your own. Either way, like all parents, you love your children and would do anything to protect them. There is no doubt that may share my anger, outrage and disgust when […]

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Evil Goldfish

posted Sunday, September 7, 2014

by: in Parenting

Nothing strikes fear into the heart like a routine dental checkup, except perhaps a routine dental checkup for your toddler. The Menace had been chewing on his paws for two weeks so one day I decided to rip the band-aid off and just do it. My own dentist was closed for renovations and I had known […]

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Surfs Up in Brazil

posted Sunday, September 7, 2014

by: in Travel

Brazil Ecojourneys and GaySurfers host South America’s only LGBT surf camp October 25-November 1, 2014 in Santa Catarina, South Brazil. Thomas Castets, founder of GaySurfers.net, tackled the subject of homophobia in the surf world with his recent, award-winning documentary “Out in the Line-Up”. He also asked members of the world’s leading online LGBT surfing community […]

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Queer Parent Conundrum

posted Wednesday, July 9, 2014

by: in Parenting

As a queer parent I always suspected that it would be true, that a child of mine growing up in a house that was not prescriptive regarding orientation or gender expression would be freer to explore their own identity and more readily accept others. A child growing up with gay or lesbian parents can step […]

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The Law is Powerful

posted Sunday, July 6, 2014

by: in Law

World Pride 2014 is wrapping up in Toronto, so what better time to join the PinkPlayMags blogger family! My name is Lisa Feldstein. I am an Ally (yes, with a capital A) of the LGBTQ community. I am a lawyer and as such I will be blogging about legal issues. About a year ago the […]

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Assuming Can Cause Disaster

posted Sunday, July 6, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

If you love at least one person, you need life insurance. Life insurance is essentially money which can replace lost income and secure the financial future of the ones you love in the event of your passing away. It is one of the building blocks of a solid financial plan to ensure that the ones […]

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Do you need to pay yourself first?

posted Monday, June 23, 2014

by: in Finance / Insurance

We all know someone or know of someone who has been affected directly or indirectly by life threatening conditions including cancer. In fact statistics indicate that more and more Canadians (including children) are being diagnosed with cancer on a daily basis. Walks, rides, and runs aimed at raising money to fund cancer research are more […]

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