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All You Need Is Now

posted Wednesday, January 27, 2016

by: in Spirituality

I lay on the stretcher, heartbeat fading in and out, the nurses in ER unable to find my pulse. Slipping in and out of consciousness, I was struggling to understand what was happening between being awake and falling back into the blackness that slowly blanketed my vision before fading the world out completely. The nurse […]

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Five Ways to Take Your Power Back

posted Sunday, November 15, 2015

by: in Spirituality

Last week I talked a little bit about power and how we give it away, but the question remains as to what can we do to keep power? How do we feel empowered and stand in our strength? I’m a fan of simplicity and a few actions that cover many bases, which is why I […]

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10 Ways to Protect Yourself From Adult Bullying

posted Saturday, June 20, 2015

by: in Spirituality

Gossip, rumors and lies, oh my! We’ve all witnessed it, heard it or seen it happen. It doesn’t always happen in ways that we can speak out about in public though. That’s the nature of bullying, and most of it happens behind closed doors so that we don’t know what’s going on. It’s how it […]

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What’s Meant Just For You

posted Wednesday, February 4, 2015

by: in Spirituality

Hands are for building, creating, making and shaping; their grasp and their grip make them perfect vehicles through which we show the world the contents of our heart. Open or closed, they contain our deepest hopes, darkest fears and express the most profound joys. We find ourselves in our hands and even when we lose […]

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Welcome To The New

posted Saturday, January 10, 2015

by: in Spirituality

I woke up with a determination to take advantage of the eight hours ahead of me. It was a coveted day off where I had no plans, no appointments and nowhere to be in particular. Such days are rare gems after a holiday season of hustle and bustle that seemed never ending. The day started […]

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