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The Ginger Menace

Dragons Love Tacos

posted Wednesday, April 20, 2016

by: in Parenting

At some point in history someone said variety is the spice of life. Well I say poo. I say bring on nailing down some staples so that your kid will actually eat at dinner time, then variety comes next. Variety comes after he finishes gobbling something up when we are guests, but then acting like it’s […]

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Money Does(n’t) Grow On Trees

posted Monday, February 1, 2016

by: in Parenting

One of the things I was worried about before I became a parent was the areas where I lacked knowledge and ability. My wife said to me “don’t worry, I’ll do math and science and you’ll do English!” So I took a deep breath and put that worry aside. Since she passed away, part of […]

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Spider Menace

posted Wednesday, July 8, 2015

by: in Parenting

Oh the sticky days of summer are here. Lining up our dinosaurs on the rug in an air conditioned house is definitely on the list, but The Ginger Menace can only remain cooped up for so long. So it is with pride that I announce that my little superhero has conquered the spiderweb! On a […]

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Ho Ho Ho..No No No

posted Monday, November 17, 2014

by: in Parenting

Naughty or nice. That is the concept that The Ginger Menace and I am working on this holiday season. If he is old enough to write Santa Claus a letter with a wish list then he is old enough to understand “good” versus “bad” behaviour. However it is mommy who has to sometimes remember how […]

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Operation Bobolink

posted Saturday, October 25, 2014

by: in Parenting

Come one come all to witness the glorious triumph of The Ginger Menace!!! Today we have completed our first official Earth Ranger Mission to raise $25 for the bobolink. Not only that but we had a successful first cleaning at the dentist today and when we got home our official Earth Ranger card was waiting […]

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