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Book Review: “Trans Like Me”, by CN Lester

posted Wednesday, April 4, 2018

by: in Spirituality

  The publishing industry is at best challenging for LGBTQ2+ people to navigate, given the demand for stories that a heteronormative and cisnormative industry deems best suited for readers based on demand, regardless of the narratives missing and needed by the community. There’s a certain expectation that people bring to stories about members of the […]

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Discussing Consensual Non-Monogamy and Polyamory with Eva Dusome (Part 2)

posted Sunday, October 29, 2017

by: in Spirituality

I had the opportunity to speak with Eva Dusome of Poly Toronto over the summer about relationships, coming out and challenging stigmatizing behaviours. This is a continuation of part one of our interview, which you can find here.   PPM: There are so many ways that we can misplace our understanding of what being oppressed means […]

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Well Said Toronto Speech Therapy

posted Thursday, September 28, 2017

by: in Spirituality

I had the opportunity to sit down with Well Said: Toronto Speech Therapy director and Speech-Language Pathologist, Melissa James to talk about speech therapy and its role in Transition for Trans, non-binary and gender diverse folks. There are many facets to transitioning which, when misunderstood or erased from narratives, can create barriers when those services […]

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Benita Roth On The Life and Death of ACT UP/LA

posted Tuesday, August 22, 2017

by: in Spirituality

Successful direct action and protest are key mobilizing forces of change, and in this new era where resistance needs to be part of our everyday lives, stories like that of ACT UP/LA become increasingly important. How did these organizations mobilize in ways that made a difference? What’s happened to anti-AIDS direct action since? Is there […]

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Reconsidering The Purpose of Monogamy

posted Monday, June 12, 2017

by: in Spirituality

Disclaimer: Although I am monogamous, I’m an ally to consensual non-monogamous folks. I had to go through something of a journey to understand that about myself, and I’m bringing those experiences here. If there’s anything more profound that we can do “from the heart” other than to recognize and respect the way that others live and […]

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In The Spirit of Wellness and Healing: Toronto AIDS Vigil – June 20th, 2017

posted Friday, June 9, 2017

by: in Spirituality

It’s Pride Month in Toronto, which means a month of events and celebrations highlighting the strength and diversity of our community.  It also means that community members and allies have an opportunity to reflect on our history and the important moments that help to define who we are, while bringing forward momentum. There’s something to be said […]

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Building Inclusive Spirituality

posted Tuesday, May 23, 2017

by: in Spirituality

When you find yourself on the fringes of a traditional faith, your expression of spirituality can take on different forms. I struggled for a while, with reconciling my spiritual experiences with my lived experiences and the spiritual “food” that used to nourish me. I often walked away from a book, lecture or workshop feeling empty […]

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Book Review: Big Miracles by Joanna Garzilli

posted Friday, April 14, 2017

by: in Spirituality

The weather lately has been perfect for curling up with a good book, while the rain falls and Spring sorts out its dips in temperatures ahead of Summer. One book in particular that jumped out as a need-to-share is: Big Miracles by Joanna Garzilli. I’m a student of A Course in Miracles, and as a result […]

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