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Hate Has No Home in North Bay

posted Friday, August 5, 2022

by: in The Online Politician

I have been sitting with this blog for some time now, as hate is a hard subject to tackle, especially when it’s directed at you personally, or your 2SLGBTQ+ community. As you read and research things, you find it even harder to understand why hate is so in your face these days compared to years […]

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If you did not vote, you are part of the problem

posted Thursday, June 23, 2022

by: in The Online Politician

Ok, OK, OK, I know, we have had enough of politics. We had enough of the same old speeches, same old elections, same results. It is hard to believe that only 41% eligible voters voted in the last Provincial election. What makes it even worse, is that Doug Ford won a major majority with 18% […]

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Queer Vote Ontario – it’s time for the LGBTQ+ community to have their political voices heard – May 26, 2022

posted Tuesday, May 24, 2022

by: in The Online Politician

On May 10, 2022, the first Provincial leaders debate took place in beautiful North Bay, Ontario. Mike Schrenier from the Ontario Green Party, Steven DelDuca from Ontario Liberal Party, Andrea Horwath from Ontario NDP and of course, Doug Ford from the Ontario Conservative Party. You can watch this debate online here. It has been viewed […]

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North Bay Pride holds local Provincial candidate debate – you asked to be heard, now show up

posted Monday, May 16, 2022

by: in The Online Politician

North Bay Pride held a local candidate debate on May 13, 2022 inviting every candidate that was on the ballot, unlike every other debate. with five out of the eight candidates participating. Missing were the new Ontario Blue Party candidate, Taylor Russell, Giacomo Vezina from None of the Above Party, and the incumbent MPP Vic […]

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Doug Ford, please take our minimum wage challenge

posted Thursday, November 25, 2021

by: in The Online Politician

Hello Pigeon! With recent changes to minimum wage here in Ontario, there has been lots of discussion about what a living wage is. During a recent press conference, Premier Doug Ford, claimed there is a labour shortage in Ontario, after announcing the minimum wage will go up to $15 per hour, even though he and […]

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Where did politics go when it comes to Pride organizations?

posted Tuesday, October 19, 2021

by: in The Online Politician

Hello Pigeon! Where have we been? It has been a struggle to keep my own sanity in check, just like many of you, but here we are Pigeon, still standing and still taking a step forward. We were hit with a federal election on top of everything else many of us are going through. Was […]

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United States VS Canada

posted Monday, March 7, 2016

by: in Travel

Well American politics has certainly been quite interesting leading up to the final contenders for both political parties. There’s been the expected dose of slanderous accusations along the way before reaching this point, and while Republican Donald (Big Dong) Trump and Democrat (That Womyn) Hilary Clinton seem to be the front runners, the position for […]

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When ‘Acceptance’ Isn’t Enough: Alberta MP Joan Crockatt has it all wrong.

posted Friday, September 25, 2015

by: in Feminism

Unless you have been living under a rock, or you are one of those who ‘just don’t care’, election season is upon us. For most of us in the queer community, the decision is easy – anything but Harper. And for those that will vote to continue the Harper regime, I will remind you of […]

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Politics and Sexism: Not Much Has Changed

posted Wednesday, February 11, 2015

by: in Feminism

I was recently perusing through my Facebook feed and I came across this article, No Excuses: Why women need to step up. It is, of course, nothing new to read pieces that tell women why they just simply need to buck up and suck it up when attempting to attain equality, but in lieu of recent […]

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